Oxygen Collector (collects oxygen from nearby trees, once enough have been collected it will blow it through any connected oxygen pipes): Oxygen Distribution Systems (Required if you want to set up permanent bases in space or on other planets, these systems allow you to bring oxygen to your new bases): To equip, press “R” (default) to open the Galacticraft GUI):
#Minecraft skydaz 1.6.4 portable
Portable Oxygen System (Tanks, mask and harness, required to survive in space and on other planets. Various parts (used to create other items and parts):

Launch Pad (required to launch spaceships, put them down in a 3×3 square, then place a spaceship on top): NASA Workbench (used to craft spaceships and other space vehicles such as buggies and rovers): Here is the rather large list of recipes (click to expand):

#Minecraft skydaz 1.6.4 download
Once you’re out in space, you get an option of where to land, be that your spacestation (if you haven’t created one, you get the option to do so, provided you have the required materials in your inventory), the moon, or later, Mars (you need to download the additional planets and create a Tier 2 Spaceship to get here). The way of getting there is also very cool, as you have to fly there by spaceship, complete with countdown and liftoff into the atmosphere.
#Minecraft skydaz 1.6.4 mod
The mod adds plenty of new building blocks, items and areas to explore, and it is already very expansive. Important: this mod required Minecraft Forge. But the first step to space exploration is usually to create a base in space. You can even land on the moon (and Mars, as well as other planets in planned updates) and create working bases there, complete with new blocks, mobs and dangers. The Galacticraft 2 Mod is a very expansive and very well made mod that lets you explore space itself! In this mod, you can craft your own spaceship with new blocks and materials, create a launchpad to launch it from, fuel to fuel it, and of course a spacesuits to survive in space.